
Contact me: rilpires@gmail.com rilpires
Personal projects

Blindrl (2014)

Used tools: C++, Allegro5

First semester of Computer Science. As soon as I learned some C programming and have read about Allegro5, I was very excited to try to program what I thought it would be a ~simple~ Dwarf-fortress-like game. That's how Blindrl was born. The name Blindrl came from "blind roguelike", because I considered myself blind when thinking about the scope of it, so anyone could predict the successfull outcome of it.

Me previous experience with game development was only some obscure old Dragon Ball RPGMaker 2000 clones back around in 2004. There is no records available of these today... so Blindrl will probably be the most ever old record of all the games I developed. Worked on it for about 2 months I guess.

I couldn't recover any source code of it, neither any executable. I've never used git at the time. I can clearly remember how messy the code was, I didn't followed any pattern, peaked naiveness there. It was just code appending after code appending. I remember that it was at the moment I had to implement a collision-checking algorithm to it that I gave up, it was done in the most simple way (the O(N²) one we all know about, checking everything against everything), so when I made the trees to act like any entity, goodbye FPS.

These are all the records I could find: some gifs I've recorded to show to a friend through e-mail.

No source available

A very original dwarf-fortress-sandbox-clone


99% of the assets came from this DragonDePlatino's bundle. I did use this tileset in another project 3~ years later.

Last update: 2021-04-16 06:06:51 +0000