The same will to make Blindrl(2014) came back again. It wasn't meant to be a sequel but what I had in mind for Blindrl(2014). This time I judged myself more skillful, had gained experience, let's try again boy! Blindrl will see the light of the day!
Fast forward: it didn't. Lived for around 2 months. There was still too much left unplanned. Also, I couldn't simply do it in Godot (at least without tweaking the engine in order to optimize stuffs like a more performant rendering). It was kind of my dream game but wasn't possible once again this time.
I was indeed more experient than what I was 3 years ago. Built enough confidence to create more bigger games with Godot. I knew that it wouldn't be easy. If I had expectations to achieve a publishable bare minimum game of what I had in mind within 1 year of dedicated work (aside college), would have continued. I accepted it wouldn't be possible when I reached some performance bottlenecks with Godot, specifically with rendering a large world of tiles (I wanted at least 512x512. Later I would find out this was caused because each tile was calling a drawcall from OpenGL. Tilemaps from Godot 3.2.3 does a better job with batch calls).
Really liked the workflow with Godot, was getting the hang of building some interesting UI. Had some experience with Unity, could have just rebuilt the game there, but I also accepted that even then I'd have to work more on planning stuffs beforehand. I sensed somehow it was my kind of dream game but didn't know how to make a proper development plan, a Game Design Document.
Once again I did use this DragonDePlatino's bundle. Since this time the game was a little more dynamic, I felt the tileset very limited. My pixel art at the time was still very basic, but even then I tried to make my own tileset. Didn't ended out very good...
It wasn't the real end of Blindrl. Later this same year I'd try again once more, this time with my eyes on 🔥fire🔥. This will probably be one special post here on this blog.